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First KC Field Trial Judging Appointment


Updated: Jan 26, 2024

Kennel Club Field Trial, Creeton, Lincolnshire

On the 8th of December 2022 I was invited to judge for the first time at the MCFTS Novice Retriever Stake at Creeton. The 14 dog stake was a driven trial at a lovely undulating Lincolnshire shoot with a regular team of guns. The first drive was undertaken with all dogs sitting in line until the drive finished.

Birds were marked down, and the retrieves began with the first dogs being called under the judges. Some tricky retrieves along the side of wooded banks were made to look easy by some dogs and handlers, not by others. After two rounds, we had 3 dogs left who went on to run against each other for the top places.

Interestingly, the two dogs in the strongest positions were eye wiped by the third 'favourite', meaning that they were out of contention for a placing and were rightly awarded COM's for some quality work.

It was decided that the remaining and winning dog be awarded 2nd place due to some less than perfect work earlier in the day. It was a great learning experience that was made all the better by some extremely knowledgeable and experienced senior judges.

After being given a non-panel KC judging number, we now work towards gaining more experience and expertise to gain promotion to the B-Panel. This will likely take a number of years. Loved every minute and learning about another side of field trialling.

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