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Quinn 2nd at UGS ALL-AGE Finals 2024


Updated: Jan 5

Halorros Milkyway of MeareCastle

After qualifying for the prestigious All Age Finals on the 7th December by winning the Eastern Counties All Age Trial the week before, Quinn and I went to Ampton in the midst of Storm Daragh.

Incredible winds and rain all day made the trial memorable even before a bird had been picked. Such was the wind making the birds so challenging, that the guns had to restock ammo half way through the day. A series of walked-up and mini driven scenarios took place through all three rounds.

After a sloppy dry run in the driving rain, Quinn - Halorros Milkyway of Mearecastle - was faultless again on good marked birds along with memory and blind retrieves in thick cover and shorter beet crop.

Ending the trial with one other dog on straight A marks, he was pipped into 2nd place by the eventual winner Jason Mayhew - due to the less than perfect dry run. Such is the small margins in winning and losing at this level of competition. A deserved winner but nonetheless another super solid run from Quinn this season.

In 5 trials this season, he was eye-wiped after making it to the second day of his first ever 2 day open (by a FTCh) then been awarded a COM, 3rd, 2nd and 1st.

More importantly, on top of that - at the All Age Finals he was awarded the prestigious trophy for being the ‘Best Looking Labrador’. 😎)

Quinn is available for stud in East Suffolk.

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